Women Safety Best Android and iPhone Apps

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Women Safety Best Android and iPhone Apps . Imagine a situation. You have to travel alone to their place of origin in a private bus , then you face a horrible situation where you can not help yourself . Or imagine another situation where you go out just to go shopping, take a cab home and before you realize , the taxi heading to the wrong address . It always takes a few seconds for something bad to happen . Many of us, especially women are not allowed out alone at threat. However we have a complete solution to this problem , but of course , a precautionary measure can be taken, in order to avoid such situations. The case of Delhi and the recent case in Hyderabad, where women have been brutalized in this type of situation , this may be a smart move that can protect you.



There is a way you can notify your friends or family members in case of any emergency. StaySafe is an application for Android and iOS that allows you to automatically inform your emergency contact list and send them your latest GPS location .



This application is available for all Android devices on Google Play App Store and iOS devices on iTunes App Store. All you need is to follow some steps and you can register to use the application .

Download the  ONE TOUCH SOS App from play store:  CLICK HERE

How SOS Works

1. A simple movement of the active SOS alerts

2. A text message and / or email is sent to the selected contact ( s ) with your name and a voice recording of the situation just after shaking the phone.

3 . Its exact location is sent in the alert.

4 . The battery level of your phone is sent in the alert.

5 . These messages are sent at regular intervals that can be set , to help identify if the user is moving.

Download and install on your mobile SOS


Opens stay secure application on your phone as soon as you download it .

Here you have to select a safety pin to present a 4-digit number , the safety pin is shaping your phone number .





In this step you need to set the limit shaken by setting a timer.






As we can see in the image below in the time stated above, for example , 3s , we should set a limit of shock.


By following the simple steps , your registration is completed. Stay Safe SOS is a useful and easy way to avoid any kind of emergency problems when you are alone .


Users can send emergency alerts to their friends and family in detecting danger simply shaking the phone. Text messaging and e-mail are sent at regular intervals to give GPS real-time tracking of its exact location. Alerts are sent discreetly , without having to look at your device.

This application is implemented in different situations for anyone , such as accidents , abuse of women, say kidnappings , etc.




Start using this application, your highly useful in difficult situations you never imagine . Although this might not be exactly useful in the case of batteries or network problems low, this is only one solution , and that something is better than nothing.


You can also see some of the applications of women as bSafe saftey , Life360 , circleof6 , admob comeback and they are some of the best applications for protection in emergencies .


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