
Ultimate paying sites for pay per click (PPC) Ad networks for websites or blog

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Final payment of the sites for the PPC (Pay Per Click) Ad network for any website or blog . Personally I have many mails regarding how we can make money on the web or blog . In general, the goal of a blogger is to get high paid clicks through advertisements and make money using advertising methods So for those who are eagerly waiting to make money through their website or blog is through pay per click ( PPC ) . PPC is one of the largest primary method to make money with your blog or website. Ultimately, many users opt for PPC ad networks for your website as it is easy and simple compared to others, but there are many ways to make money with your blog and affiliate marketing , but the owner will choose the final path for the payment will be paid is click.Here networks are sites that pay last pay per click (PPC ) ad web sites or blogs


Google Adsense is one of the latest PPC based networks . There is no doubt that even every blogger and website owner wants to earn through Adsense due to many reasons behind the success of Adsense popularity . Adsense is CPC bid and RPM based networks and many advertisers based on the niche sites . Adsense provides the highest rates of CPC and display more targeted ads related to the content that increase CTR rate and helps you get more income. Adsense Cost varies based on relevant and irrelevant ads. It’s CPC rate varies between the range of $ 0.10 – $ 20 depends on the location of the visitor and the niche blog.
1. Get Adsense approval is difficult.
2 . Maximum CPC rates as compare to any other site .
3 . Show ads on certain pages exact destination on the basis of relevant and irrelevant .
4. $ 100 minimum payment by check or wire transfer or through PayPal.


It is a relationship with the Ad network Combined Yahoo and Bing and powered by Media.Net . It is one of the best Adsense alternative . Your CPC ( cost per click) rates are also very good and good. Also offering CPM and CPC and CPA ads based on the basis of ERPM . Media.net become more popular for the advertiser and publisher a few years ago and what better place in advertising. Unfortunately, if you do not get the Adsense approval , I recommend you to apply Media.Net

1.Getting Media.net Approval For easy as compare to Adsense
2.You can use Adsense and the Media in the same web page for more revenue.
3.Please note that only get approval if the site is described as high content and Transit reason as U.S. / UK / Canada.
4.ShowS ads to specific pages with well-defined objectives.
5.Minimum Pay $ 250 via PayPal or bank transfer.

Chitika ADS

Chitika is also famous platform of CPC on the basis of thematic search ads , local ads and mobile ads. Chitika Ads are only accepts organic unity of traffic search engines . So only earn revenue from clicks , if you have a good flow of visitors from search engines . Chitika offers high CPC rates as compare to others, but little low as compare to Adsense. But instead of others is also good Adsense alternative . Chitika has Referring Program also can refer to others by using Chitika ads then you will earn 10% of See Editorial Review for 10 months.

1. Its no special requirements for approval and accept small blogging site also
2 . You can display Adsense or Chitika with Media.net also
3 . Required site search engine traffic for revenue
4 . Minimum pay $ 10 via PayPal and $ 50 by check
5.So join in our FREE Premium Chitika ADS : JOIN NOW


Infolinks In- text is the link CPC ad network based . If you have rich text based site or blog then Infolinks is better option to earn some income. The best part about Infolinks is that it is not necessary and space for banners . Infolinks display targeted a keyword that content relevant ads. You can also use the keyword cloud tags Infolinks Infolinks on your site or can be used as search ads . Infolinks not cover the spaces so that’s why you can use banner ads from Adsense or another alternative to earn more revenue for the site content.

1.Obtain approval is too easy. Only a few sites get disapproving
2.Inside text ads , search ads or Tag cloud Instead banner ads .
3.Minimum pay $ 50 via PayPal or bank transfer

Clicksor ADS

This is also one of the best alternatives to the other based on the text as well as banner ads . Clicksor is better and popular platform advertiser and the publisher . Clicksor is having several advertising format as text ads and banner ads contextual . Clicksor publisher divided into two groups on the basis of total impressions. Clicksor is based on CPC and CPM ads auction networks. Your offer less CPC rates as compare to above sites . If you also offer Referral Program means you earn 10% of proceeds from the Editorial relating to use Clicksor

1.Approval system is fast as compare to others.
2.In – text and contextual banner ads, pop under ads and other text based .
3.Minimum Payment is $ 50 via check or PayPal.


Ads affinity also make your best place advertising market . Affinity has adopted many different types of ways to earn more revenue editor of your website by applying the toolbar within the text, search suggestions, advergames , widget and such incredible application . Affinity is also Exchange Offer based network CPC , CPM and CPA ERPM with better rates . Affinity have higher revenue sharing up to 95 % as compared with others.

1.Fast Approval Process
 2.KeywordBased Ads targeted
3 .. $ 50 minimum payment via PayPal

Kontera ADS

Kontera ads is also similar to ad networks InfoLinks . It is based on in – text and image ads to the text content for selected keywords . Kontera relevant ads for the keyword shown in double underline that also seems irritating to users, but Kontera Less offers CPC rates but with higher rates of CTR. Kontera is also supported, which Google Adsense and other networks. It also does not require any space banner placement . So it is best way to earn income other side Based Ads Banners . Kontera 70% share of revenue with publishers

1.Approval is Quick Process
2.Show In the text based ads and take no space and flag.
3.Also used as part of other income with banner ads
4.Minimum Paying out $ 50 via check , PayPal or Bank Transfer


It is also a better option if you are not able to get approval from Adsense or media.net . Bidvertiser is also famous and oldest advertiser platform but personally I am not satisfied with Bidvertiser . It’s CPC rates are not too high because they have too many poster So no comparison with Adsense. CPC rates varies from approximately 0.02 to $ 2.

1.Getting approval process is quick. I think nobody gets disapprove
2.Minimum Pay $ 10 via PayPal or checks.


AdHitz advertiser platform is growing but its performance on the platforms of the not so good editors . AdHitz numbers have different owner , but its offer less CPC rates as compare to other networks so publishers and editor choose Adhitz retail ad compare to others. But if there is no option left , I recommend you choose Adhitz . Otherwise try other programs listing first .

1.Based When selling ads space to advertisers through Adhitz
2.It shares 70 % ad revenue with the publisher
3.Minimum Payment $ 25

I hope you enjoy this article on the PPC networks publisher. I try to explain only the best PPC network where you can earn some income. His numbers are PPC web author available, just not listed it for its low prices and cpc performance. So I recommend that you allows you to choose any network you like.
Use no more than 2.3 three different networks on the same page. Their are many negative effects on the place , so on revenues.

Please share your valuable doubts and feedback we will sure to help you & don’t forget to like our  facebook page

Awesome Android Features Kit Kat Overview

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Kit Kat is the latest version of Google’s mobile operating system known as Android. It was designed to be what Android does not have been as many changes – light and soft. While Jelly Bean focused on getting the buttery smooth interface on smartphones, Kit Kat takes it further to become extremely light, which means that you can run on a device that normally only run on Gingerbread (or even less). This means that low-end phones do not have to run a very old version of Android more. They can use the latter instead.

Now, apart from the soft and light interiors optimizations Kit Kat, Google introduced some new features as well, which is pre-loaded with its new smartphone Nexus 5. Let’s take a look at what they have here.


Google Launcher Experinece


Something you probably never OEM smartphones (Nexus and other smartphones for now) is ported is pitching the Nexus 5. Called the Google Experience Launcher is a launcher for Android which has been completely rewritten with its integrated Google Voice services now control. From anywhere in the home screen, you can just say “Ok, Google,” and his voice command feature is activated. While this is not on the same level as the Moto X “always on” service listening, it does provide a nice touch to try to imitate for all smart phones that do not have the hardware Moto X.


Contacts and Calls Redesigned

Another striking feature is like Kit Kat contacts now work. Your contact list can now be sorted with his people in touch more frequently in the top of the list. While this feature has been available in many OEM builds, its nice to see this in the accumulation of stock Android. 

Google also integrates part of the Google experience in the contacts application, using your most powerful tool – in this category. Now when you search for names or contacts, you can also search for local businesses listed in business directories Google. This extends to the Caller ID function, which can now publicly identify numbers recorded.

Redesigned messaging


Kit Kat is about to get rid of the messaging application . The new update now allows native SMS functions to be integrated into applications built 3rd party and . To demonstrate its new API functions of SMS , which got rid of the standard SMS application in Android application and use Hangouts as the default SMS app instead .


3rd party apps usually had to go through some hoops to overlap integrated SMS application in Android . This may involve rerouting of messages, which could lead to double messages or errors. Sometimes even have to disable or uninstall the SMS strongly exchange application. Now , all you have to do is connect the Kit Kat API and establish their true application as the default SMS application .


I can probably guess is that one of these days , when Samsung does update their devices to Kit Kat , you can almost bet that the implementation of SMS would be gone. The problem is not to be used as the default application Hangouts . Most likely integrate its own messaging platform – Chaton with SMS functions. Already on each new smartphone from Samsung. I guess at least we can save space used by applying regular SMS


Integrated Office

When Google bought Quickoffice they were finally offered a real property office for Android. For some time, people have flaunted productivity Android, but never had a real office application until Quickoffice is offered free. Usually you had to pay for that kind of service in mobile. Now, is not only free, but is integrated in Kit Kat as the default office tool for Android productive user. 


Besides being able to read and edit your documents on the go, you can now print using a printing solution built cloud. The smartphone and the printer must be connected through Google Cloud Print or HP ePrint Cloud for this to work.

Sensors Integrated Health

Probably in response to the campaign of Apple and Samsung for better health, Kit Kat is now equipped with health services also focused. Now natively tracks steps and distance, which can then be picked up by other health applications centered. This helps you keep track of your activities, when you have your smartphone with you.


New Camera Firmware



Google recently released 4.4.1 as soon Kit Kat Kit Kat after 4.4 was released. The highlight of the update is the new camera firmware, which optimizes the Nexus camera 5 for better color capture and better low light performance. It also includes a new feature + HDR mode that combines low-light shots with HDR image technology. This produces an amazing shot, well balanced, no matter what situation taking. It also has very little time to do, because it really intensified speed camera with the new firmware.


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How to enable and use the Device Manager Android

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One thing lacked for a long time Android is the mobile security theft native . Although we were able to somehow mitigate this lack of antitheft security 3rd party applications , there is nothing quite like a native anti-theft solution based ROM . Looks like Google finally recognized that huge hole in Android. It unveiled the role of Manager Android devices later this year, which is now one of the best advantages of having a Google account synced to your Android device.

So what exactly is a Manager Android devices ? Is a service that confirms one thing I knew all the time – Google can easily track every smartphone using the location data is sent to its servers. Instead of keeping all that data for themselves , Google finally decided turn for letting us use this function remote location for us. We can not just find missing phones , we can now track the stolen phone , provided you are connected to the Internet .

Android Device Manager can do more than track your phone on a map. You can also force the phone to sound as if a caller on the other end. This serves as a beacon that can be used to track the phone when you know it is near. All you have to do is home in tone to find your phone.

If you can not find, and you fear your data may be at risk , you can also remotely wipe your smartphone using Android devices administrator . Of course this is at the end side . While there is still a good chance that you can find and retrieve your phone , you may want to put off completely clean the phone .

Instead of cleaning , you can make use of a recent feature that Google has added , which allows you to lock your phone with a password or pin remotely. This is perfect for people who do not have a habit of locking their phones. This is also perfect for people who has the lock , but they are too simple to be effective.


How to enable  Device Manager in Android 

Now that you are acquainted with the many features of Android Device Manager, you most likely want this installed and activated as soon as possible. The best part is if you already have a Google account on your Android device, you already have this feature dormant within the phone. All you have to do is activate it.


There are two ways to go about activating Android Device Manager. First is through the native Settings app of your phone. All you have to do is go to settings and locate the Security settings.


Scroll down and locate the Device Administrators option.


From here, you will see the Manager Android devices with a blank box. Just click on the function and you will be presented with the capabilities of the role. Tap on Activate, and you should soon be able to controlthe device remotely.


Another way to activate Manager Android devices is to use the setup application Google. When opening the application, there should be a setting on the bottom that says Manager Android devices. Tap that and you should bring to the next screen where you can activate two features Android Device Manager – location tracking and remote control.


Using Device Manager Android


Here is a perfect link to add to your bookmarks: https://www.google.com/android/devicemanager 


You can access the Administrator of Android devices from any browser, regardless of operating system. By going to the site and enter it, you can track all Android devices activated Administrator account for Google devices. From here, you can make your phone ring, lock or erase it.





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Women Safety Best Android and iPhone Apps

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Women Safety Best Android and iPhone Apps . Imagine a situation. You have to travel alone to their place of origin in a private bus , then you face a horrible situation where you can not help yourself . Or imagine another situation where you go out just to go shopping, take a cab home and before you realize , the taxi heading to the wrong address . It always takes a few seconds for something bad to happen . Many of us, especially women are not allowed out alone at threat. However we have a complete solution to this problem , but of course , a precautionary measure can be taken, in order to avoid such situations. The case of Delhi and the recent case in Hyderabad, where women have been brutalized in this type of situation , this may be a smart move that can protect you.



There is a way you can notify your friends or family members in case of any emergency. StaySafe is an application for Android and iOS that allows you to automatically inform your emergency contact list and send them your latest GPS location .



This application is available for all Android devices on Google Play App Store and iOS devices on iTunes App Store. All you need is to follow some steps and you can register to use the application .

Download the  ONE TOUCH SOS App from play store:  CLICK HERE

How SOS Works

1. A simple movement of the active SOS alerts

2. A text message and / or email is sent to the selected contact ( s ) with your name and a voice recording of the situation just after shaking the phone.

3 . Its exact location is sent in the alert.

4 . The battery level of your phone is sent in the alert.

5 . These messages are sent at regular intervals that can be set , to help identify if the user is moving.

Download and install on your mobile SOS


Opens stay secure application on your phone as soon as you download it .

Here you have to select a safety pin to present a 4-digit number , the safety pin is shaping your phone number .





In this step you need to set the limit shaken by setting a timer.






As we can see in the image below in the time stated above, for example , 3s , we should set a limit of shock.


By following the simple steps , your registration is completed. Stay Safe SOS is a useful and easy way to avoid any kind of emergency problems when you are alone .


Users can send emergency alerts to their friends and family in detecting danger simply shaking the phone. Text messaging and e-mail are sent at regular intervals to give GPS real-time tracking of its exact location. Alerts are sent discreetly , without having to look at your device.

This application is implemented in different situations for anyone , such as accidents , abuse of women, say kidnappings , etc.




Start using this application, your highly useful in difficult situations you never imagine . Although this might not be exactly useful in the case of batteries or network problems low, this is only one solution , and that something is better than nothing.


You can also see some of the applications of women as bSafe saftey , Life360 , circleof6 , admob comeback and they are some of the best applications for protection in emergencies .


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How to unlock pattern in Android phone & the password lock easily – Step By Step Simple Guide

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Android phone locked oh my god how to unlock pattern lock or How to unlock pattern Android phone the password lock easily – Step By Step Guide Android lock screen is a very strong data protection on any Android device. There may be times when you forget your pattern and want to reset it, this article shows how to unlock the pattern lock screen android with simple steps. This is an educational article. Try this at your own risk. This site is not responsible for any problems that may occur. But we found the this trick is working manually for our readers so try this it will definitely works  



Steps to unlock Android pattern lock by step by step

1.Enabling USB Debugging

For this process to be successful, you want to unlock the device should be enabled USB debugging. To do this go to Settings-> Development> USB Debugging and enable it.

2. Connect the device to the computer

Now after making sure that the device is enabled USB Debugging, connect it to your computer. 

1.Go to Start and open CMD. 

2.Enter the following code carefully.

                                                       adb shell

3.Press Enter

                         rm /data/system/gesture.key

3. Reboot



After giving the orders in the CMD, reboot or restart the Android device. Now give any pattern and the device must be unlocked. 


If any doubt in the above process, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Women best safety Android & I phone Apps

 How to unlock pattern in Android phone & the password lock easily – Step By Step Simple Guide

How I made 50$ money from clixsense premium program

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How i made 50$ money from clixsense premium program in one month I am very happy to receive  50$ Check from clixsense. Clixsense is the one of the leading marketing site for customers and advertisers which pay you not less than 0.01 to 1$ per click by just view the providing advertisements in your account so guys You can earn anything from $ 0.01 percent to $ 5.00 by browsing web pages of advertisers on the network for 30 seconds at a time. This is 100% free and no cost to you. In Order to make 50$ from clixsense it takes 15 minutes time to complete the task and this thing you have to repeat the same for atlest one month and also make sure that you must invite your Referrals because for more referrals you invite they will pay you  0.01 to 2$ from each referrals so make sure that refer more friends from your account , currently I am having 75 referrals so now I am earning 50 $ form clixsense in one month 


First and simplest way to win

First click here to join : CLIXSENSE

You can earn anything from $ 0.01 to $ 5.00 percent , browsing web pages of advertisers on the network for 30 seconds at a time . This is 100 % free and no cost to you.


You have the option to upgrade to Premium Member and earn more at a cost of $ 17.00 per year, but up to you. I have been a premium user for 4 years and are willing to do .


Second, and only slightly more complicated way

Refer your friends or other people on the site to do the same , like what I’m doing right now . This way you can earn 100 times more and even earn a living from it .


This is what you can win:

Receive – (Premium Member no) $ 0.01 for each referral and will receive $ 2.00 if their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account for free members. You also receive 10 % of revenues generated from the announcement of the purchase of your referrals .


Premium Members affiliate commissions 8 levels deep are paid !


Premium Member – You are instantly paid $ 0.10 for each new referral . When one of your direct referrals upgrades to a Premium Account Your membership instantly pays you $ 2.00 per member Upgrade That s . ( You are paid commissions on any That member also click ads) That member refers a new member when you upgrade to the premium paid instantly override a commission of $ 1.00 . You just got paid for doing nothing ! Even better, that same scenario pays eight levels deep!


SO Join free in clixsense premium accuont : JOIN NOW 


So friends if your are waiting for a Parttime Job  so it the best to earn money

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